Monday, March 19, 2012

Screw Unicorns & Rainbows! I’m going to talk about what I really want to… Part Deux

So, things came to a bitter end with my college roommates, when they were sick of me continuing a relationship with BOB and decided to force me to move out, they really didn't have means besides saying:  “We don’t like her boyfriend.”  That’s when I confided in my Sister and Brother-in-law over the money that my roommates were saying I owed them, my Sister and her husband stood up for me.  They wanted “black & white” proof, actual utility bills and letters from the landlord.  When my roommates couldn't provide this to my brother-in-law…  He told me to go to my room, get what I needed because he was taking me out of there RIGHT NOW!  I remember gathering my things and looking at my brother-in-law in the living room staring at my roommates like, “Don’t you dare try and come at me NOW.”  They all sat like little children, not saying ANYTHING in front of him, they had stopped playing the video games they were playing before he walked in, because my brother-in-law was standing in front of my TV that they were looking at now.   When the 4 guys tried to protest to my brother-in-law about how I had done them wrong, He told them to shut the f**k up!  He had shown that he was willing to defend me no matter what because he was married to my sister.

Within the next week, I took out the cash value on my life insurance policy in January 2005.  I moved in with BOB against my sister’s best wishes and I gave BOB my $900 cash to make sure that BOB wasn't evicted from his apartment.  After I was all moved in and penniless BOB informed me that he had a girlfriend and they had been dating for about two months.  This wasn't even the same girl that had threatened me back in November.  I was officially trapped.  No money, unable to run back to my sister’s (that ship had obviously sailed) and in about 2 weeks….  I was going to find out I was pregnant.

This story is exhausting.  I CANNOT WAIT until I conclude it on this blog so I can start writing about funny shit and other useless knowledge tidbits that make me truly HAPPY!

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